“Life Lessons from Ah-Ma and Ah-Gong” is a documentary about first generation Taiwanese immigrants passing on their wisdom, stories, and skills to their grandchildren and the next generation. Click here to see a teaser on the website.
From cooking, fishing, and gardening to history, language, and Taiwanese etiquette, the subjects of these lessons will unlock personal histories and deep memories, providing an intimate lens into the early years of a diverse Taiwanese American community pushed and pulled by geo-political forces, informed by mid-century Taiwanese upbringings, and reinvented to carve new paths as American immigrants.
In the end, the project aims to produce two products. The first is the compilation of life lessons being gifted to the next generation of Taiwanese Americans. The other is an adventurous documentary about the nostalgic, complex, and unanticipated experiences involved in their creation.
The filmmakers are looking for first-generation Taiwanese immigrants ages 60+ who are willing to be honest and transparent about their personal life experiences. We are interested in finding a wide variety of lived experiences from the first generation.
Previous on-camera experience is not necessary – we will work with everyone to make sure they feel comfortable in front of the camera and reassured about what has been filmed.
Fill out the casting call here: “Life Lessons from Ah-Ma and Ah-Gong” Casting
Learn more about the documentary, the team, and ways to support here: https://www.lifelessonsmovie.com/
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