Most of you probably know Ho Chie, since he’s a regular superhero who seems to know everyone. Of course, Ho Chie Tsai is the founder of, and he’s contributed to the Taiwanese American community in endless ways over the years. Plus, he’s still busy coming up with new ways to serve the community every day.
Today, we wanted to turn this around and celebrate Ho Chie’s -0th birthday! Ho Chie- we wanted to surprise you with a fundraising campaign for, but it turns out you were already ahead of us with your facebook postings. So we enlisted the help of Bay Area musician Jenton Lee to entice others to contribute to the cause.
Take it away Jenton!
To all of our viewers out there, please consider a donation to in honor of the man who made it all possible!
Here’s another birthday message from TAP-LA!
A message from Alice Tong & her furry friends!
A song from Berkeley’s Taiwanese American Students Association:
And one more from Pamela, national president of ITASA, the Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Students Association:

Wow! This totally caught me by surprise where I least expected it! Thanks to Anna, the staff, and all our community supporters out there! You guys rock and inspire me!
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming… 😉