2010 Annual Conference of North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association
THEME: NATPA 30th YEAR CELEBRATION: Tackle New Challenges
DATE: July 2 – 5, 2010
PLACE: University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA
The North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) is proud to offer opportunities again this year to support young Taiwanese and Taiwanese American scholars to attend its annual conference. To be eligible, the applicants must be graduate students, recent graduates, or those currently doing post-doctoral work in the United States, Canada, or Taiwan.
The conference will be held in the campus of University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, from July 2 through July 5, 2010. Travel support will be provided for qualified individuals including transportation up to $350, hotel room shared by two for three nights (7/2 – 7/4), meals during the conference and waived registration fee. Due to limited funding, we may not be able to fund all qualified individuals.
The conference will arrange a special session for YSP awardees to present topics related to Taiwan. The format and topics for the presentations will be decided.
This year, the NATPA will celebrate its 30th birthday by holding a joint conference with the Taiwanese American Conference / East Coast (TAC/EC – 美東台灣人夏令會). The tentative conference theme: NATPA 30th Year Celebration – Tackle New Challenges. Exact conference theme and detailed programs will be published later.
There will be a post-conference tour, 7/5 ~7/7. All YSP awardees are welcome to join but they have to pay for the tour by themselves. Detailed information about registration for the event will be available in April 2010 available at http://www.natpa.org. Please fill out the attached application form and submit it along with a brief C.V. to Dr. Chung-Chih Li by June 6, 2010. For further inquiries about the conference and the Young Scholars Program, please contact Dr. Chung-Chih Li at cli2@ilstu.edu.
can business graduate also be a part of this conference?