Join Ho Chie Tsai, the creator of, as he wanders Taipei, Taiwan with a video camera in hand during a one week journey and exploration of the city and surrounding area. You’ll discover Taiwan through the eyes of a 2nd generation Taiwanese American who is a relative newcomer to this amazing vibrant city filled with delicious food, beautiful culture, and real urban life.
This travelogue is presented in a series of eight videos. Enjoy!
Part 1: Jetting to & Settling in Taipei
Part 2: Eating Our Way through Taipei
Part 3: Conversations & Comparisons
Part 4: Celebrity Status
Part 5: Taste of Taichung
Part 6: Capturing Life at Sun Moon Lake
Part 7: Reflections on Identity
Part 8: The Greatest Place
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Ho Chie,
I enjoyed your travelogue! You covered a lot of ground (and a lot of food) during your brief trip. BTW I met you at the SF Taiwanese American festival last weekend with Grace. Nice work here! PS There are some Taiwanese recipes on my site, if you’re curious or hungry. Best, Linda