This C-SPAN video is 3 yrs old, but explains so well the history & absurdity of Taiwan-US-China relations. If you don’t get it, watch this.
We never thought we’d be promoting a C-SPAN video like this… but it’s good recap through history and policy regarding Taiwan, and there is some interesting commentary about it all.
Click here to watch:
The talk itself is about 25 minutes long, but there is plenty of good Q&A afterwards.
Bruce Herschensohn talked about his book Taiwan: The Threatened Democracy, published by World Ahead Publishing. He described the conflict between Taiwan and China and the U.S. policy on Taiwan since the mid-20th century. The talk was hosted by the Richard Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California. Herschensohn served as deputy special assistant to President Nixon and as an adviser on Ronald Reagan’s 1980 transition team. He is the author of several books, including Hong Kong at the Handover and Across the Taiwan Strait.
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