Taiwanese American West Coast Conference in San Diego

The non-profit group, Taiwanese American Conference - West Coast, puts on an annual conference to bring Taiwanese people from all generations together to learn and discuss social, political and economic issues facing Taiwan and Taiwanese Americans. This year, the conference will be conveniently held at the San Diego Marriott in Mission Valley, and we have arranged with the organizers to provide Taiwanese American Professionals - San Diego (TAP-SD) members a discounted rate ($15)! The theme is: "Uniting…

Taiwanese American Identity with TAP in Boston

Cafe Philo @ Boston and Taiwanese American Professionals - Boston (TAP-Boston) proudly present our first collaboration event! How does Taiwanese American identity evolve throughout the generations? Taiwanese American author Julie Wu shares her story of discovering identity through her family, and how it is linked to handing down stories to the younger generations. RSVP HERE: http://tap-who-am-i.eventbrite.com/ Learn more about Cafe Philo @ Boston: https://www.facebook.com/bostonphilo Learn…