Soon Enough, Later: Fiction by Naomi Gage
A-chieu: Fiction by Wiley Ho
Luck Girl; Benign City: Fiction by Herbert Chang
Atlantic Menhaden: Fiction by Nicholas Servedio
Honorable Mention, Adult Category The first time I saw all the dead fish was in early June. It was a rainy day, and my dad and I were walking along the Hudson River Greenway. The path was sandwiched between the flow of the river and the flow of traffic, and every so often a car or truck would pass by in the rightmost lane and spray muddy water and gravel onto the path. My dad was stressed out and walking quickly. He had recently been made chair of the Chemistry department, and while the new title…
Gravitational Pull: Fiction by Susan L. Lin
Honorable Mention, Adult Category In one of my earliest memories, my sister Lulu lies facedown on the living room sofa while our mother leans over her prone body, liberally applying a topical medication behind her ears. The skin there is puffy and raw, an open wound. “Your zǐzǐ pointed at the moon, and look what happened,” our mother says to me, though her gaze never strays from the task at hand. “Now you will know never to do the same.” Lulu whimpers into the seat cushion, and when…
RAMEN: Fiction by Yvonne Gillen
Finalist, Middle School Category I hung up my apron about to close my restaurant. I washed the used dishes, and grabbed my coat from the hangers. I pulled on my hat and scarf, and took the keys from a table. I heard a shrill giggle. I clutched my heart feeling faint. “I must be hallucinating,” I mumbled. I shook my head and continued my work. “Are you usually this stupid?” The voice called. The kitchen! I rushed over to my counter. WHY WAS THERE A BOWL OF RAMEN…