Keep Taiwan Free Rally in NYC

The first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. A thriving youth civil society. An evolving post-colonial national identity. Taiwan has much to celebrate. But as we cheer the achievements of Taiwan's democratic government and civil society, our celebration is bittersweet. We are appalled by the PRC government's increasingly aggressive initiatives to discredit Taiwan's achievements and legitimacy in the global arena. We mourn the loss of diplomatic relations with two more nations…

Taiwan Float in NY Pride Parade Celebrates LGBTQ Movement in Taiwan

The New York Taiwanese Community Crowdfunds to Celebrate the Recent Ruling on Same-sex Marriage by Taiwan’s Constitutional Court To celebrate this historic ruling, Mr. Chi Chia-Wei, the gay activist who filed the lawsuit that Taiwan’s Constitutional Court recently ruled on, has been invited to New York to participate in this year’s Gay Pride Parade, which will take place on June 25th. A crowdfunding campaign is now underway to raise funds to cover all fees and expenses for 1) Mr. Chi’s…

Intersection of Poetry and Movements: An Interview with Author Kenji Liu

As we celebrate Taiwanese American Heritage Week and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, is pleased to feature accomplished individuals of Taiwanese descent who have used their voices and talents to highlight the histories and legacies of our community. Kenji C. Liu is author of Map of an Onion, national winner of the 2015 Hillary Gravendyk Poetry Prize. His poetry is in, among other places, American Poetry Review, Action Yes!, Split This Rock’s poem of the week series,…