Kelly Lan

Crafter. Problem Solver. Counter Storyteller.

Founder & Experience Designer

Educated in the Quaker school system in a small town outside of Philadelphia, Founder & Creative Director, Kelly Lan, believes there’s a light in everyone – and Asian women like herself – should be celebrated in pop culture, history books, & art.

As a proud daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, her mission is to spread prosperity. And in order to do so, one must feel grounded and turn the complexities in their narrative into power. So Kelly began mobilizing the creative diasporic communities to co-own and express the stories we want to tell, authentically.

Hello Prosper crafts hands-on educational products that serve interracial & intercultural families to embrace Asian traditions, one untold story at a time. The organization was built out of necessity – to undo the narrow and harmful public perceptions of Asian women and the fractured sense of self from assimilation, displacement and historical amnesia. We minimize the built-up of confusion for individuals living with a hyphenated identity by learning the stories of our ancestors and unlearning what is preventing us from loving ourselves.


How does being Taiwanese/Taiwanese American and/or community ally play a role in your life?

The complexity of my Taiwanese/Asian American identity is an advantage in the creative community. Asian Americans are 7% of the U.S. population. And if we dare to just be ourselves, we will be the leaders we’ve been looking for.

The most innovative companies today want diverse talent, and fresh ideas. And just being yourself and not shying away from the parts that feel might not quite fit in, is your superpower.


watch our interview with kelly!


If you could teach future generations 1 thing about being Taiwanese/Taiwanese American or Taiwan, what would it be?

  1. Your number one goal in life is to know and love who you are. The moment you gain clarity of your ancestral history and truths, your likes/dislikes, what you tolerate/don’t tolerate, is when you can unlock a happiness mindset.

  2. Get really good at identifying the love language of each person. It looks differently to everyone and can even be opposing actions to your original belief of how one shows love.


What does the future of Taiwanese America look like to you?

  • A place where storytelling of Black and Indigenous Peoples are more commonplace. We must find healing and acceptance of all minority groups, so we can unite in social and political power. Exercising our democratic values and fighting for equality is core to Taiwanese identity.
  • A culture where we place equal weight on material safety and the emotional needs of a child.
  • We must do whatever we can to harness the power of expression. And what that looks like is to use words to voice our perspectives, more frequently and proudly in every aspect of our lives. Because The majority will not acknowledge your unique experience unless you deliver your message first.


Favorite memory of Taiwan/Taiwanese America?

My wedding in Philadelphia. My extended family flew in from Taiwan and it was so nice to see my cousins all grown up, my beautiful friends and family celebrating as one. I just remember a lot of smiles and joy all around.


Favorite Taiwanese food?

Orh Ah Mee Sua (蚵仔面线)

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