Julie Chang

journalist. wife. Taiwanese-Texan.

I am an investigative reporter for the Austin American-Statesman in Austin, Texas. My reporting focuses on holding powerful people and institutions accountable, especially if they are negatively impacting vulnerable people. I have written stories on children with disabilities whose families can’t afford services. I have highlighted cases of impropriety among teachers and doctors and the systems that seek to protect them. I have explored racism in the public school system. My reporting has lead to policy changes from the local to state levels.

I grew up in Houston and was the first in my family to be born in the U.S. My parents were owners of a furniture store in a low-income part of the city. Their hard work and my exposure to a diverse part of the community molded my values and determination to do good with my profession.


How does being Taiwanese/Taiwanese American and/or community ally play a role in your life?

Growing up as a Taiwanese, I was taught to avoid confrontation. My job has taken me out of my comfort zone, and I want to share with my fellow Taiwanese Americans that it’s okay to step up to have your voices heard, especially if it’s to defend those who are not as privileged as you.


If you could teach future generations 1 thing about being Taiwanese/Taiwanese American or Taiwan, what would it be?

It’s okay to say that you are Taiwanese-American instead of Chinese-American. It’s okay to ask for help if you are struggling with your mental health. It’s okay to stand up against racism.


What does the future of Taiwanese America look like to you?

I want the future of Taiwanese America to hold pride in their distinct culture.


Favorite memory of Taiwan/Taiwanese America?

My favorite memory of visiting Taiwan is the feeling of being accepted by a big extended family who looks like you, and who show their love by the amount of fruit they cut for you.


Favorite Taiwanese food?

Taiwanese fried chicken steak


Connect with Julie @juliechang1 on Twitter! Check out her feature on TaiwaneseAmerican.Org’s Instagram and Facebook!



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