In Tune with Serena and Teresa, the Creators of

Serena and Teresa Wu, both ages 20, are the brains behind My Mom is a, a popular blog that invites Asian Americans from all over the globe to submit emails, stories and pictures of their parents in typical “Fresh-off-the-boat” form. Fans have overrun the inboxes of Serena and Teresa, eager to tell their FOB mom story, and the site has already passed the 1.2 million mark in hits since Serena and Teresa launched on Oct. 18. Though the two communicate daily, correspondence…

Behind the Scenes with Stephanie Chuang

I recently interviewed Stephanie Chuang, an anchor-reporter at the KSBW station, an NBC affiliate in the Central Coast region California. She is an '07 graduate of Northwestern University, majoring in broadcast journalism and Asian American studies. In a business with so much attention and publicity, she shared her experiences both on-screen and off-screen as a young Taiwanese American professional. Lisa: How did you become interested in the field of journalism? Stephanie: It started off with…

Taiwanese and American, Democratic or Republican during the 2008 Presidential Election recently approached two of the leaders of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs - Young Professional Group to share their perspectives as our nation approaches the 2008 Presidential Elections. As Taiwanese Americans, our views and experiences are multi-faceted, and we must often acknowledge both Taiwanese and American issues. The following is not necessarily comprehensive nor approaches these topics in the depth they deserve, but serves as a starting point for conversation... PART…

Introducing Will Tiao

You'll never know where you will next see Will Tiao, both on TV or in person... but don't be surprised if you do! In recent months Will has not only been seen more frequently in TV roles, but has also been seen jet-setting across the country promoting his next film project, Formosa Betrayed, the first Hollywood movie set among the stories of Taiwan independence activists both in Taiwan and on US college campuses during the 1970s and 80s. Will Tiao is no stranger to the political world himself,…

Taiwanese American Heritage Week

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is celebrated nationwide during the month of May to honor the cultures, traditions, and achievements of Asian Pacific Islanders in the United States. In June of 1977, Congressmen Frank Horton (NY) and Norman Y. Mineta (CA) introduced a House resolution that called upon the President to proclaim the first 10 days of May as Asian/Pacific Heritage Week. May was chosen because in 1843 during the first week of the month, the first Japanese immigrants arrived in…