I am so proud to be a Taiwanese mother; to carry on the strong traditions passed down to me from my Ahtsoh to my Ahmah to my mom and to me.

What did you learn from your mother about being Taiwanese? (妳從妳母親那兒學到甚麼是一個台灣人?)
We are a proud people from one of the beautiful countries in the world. We work hard, we’re honest, and we value family. To be Taiwanese is to be the best.
Tell us about one of your earliest memories of your mother. (妳對母親最早的記憶是甚麼?)
I always think about the time when my mom and I bought some apples from a street vendor. She picked the most crisp apples they had and put it in a clear plastic bag. When the man gave her a bag after taking her money, my mom noticed that all the apples were bruised. He had switched bags on us. I listened while my courageous mom stood up for herself and demanded to either get a refund or the apples back that she hand-selected. Mom and I rode home in a crowded bus, her chosen bag of crisp shiny apples in hand.
What is the most important thing you have learned from your mother or daughter? (妳從母親/女兒學到的最重要的是甚麼?)
My mom has always believed that words can heal, calm, and change someone, but how you say them matters more than anything. With her charm and compassion, she has made disgruntled store clerks smile, gotten warnings instead of tickets, and comforted many a friend.
My daughter has taught me that anything can be accomplished with enthusiasm, a willingness to learn, and sweet little dimples.
Tell us about the ways that your mother or daughter makes you proud. (妳母親/女兒讓你感到驕傲的是甚麼?)
My mother has overcome myriad life’s hardships, but always with a style and grace that I can only hope to possess one day. She is so beautiful on the inside and out.
My daughter believes the best in everyone, jumps head first into whatever she’s passionate about, and personifies the word spunky. She is her own person and she is such a joy. She loves Jesus with all her heart and wants to tell others about the good news.
Tell us about how your mother or daughter inspires you. (妳的母親/女兒如何激勵妳?)
During the 70’s in Taiwan when business was relegated only to men, my mom not only opened a nursery with my dad, but ran it to immense success. She was the brains and the charm behind the thriving company. Her business acumen coupled with down-to-earth relatability inspired me to pursue a career in television journalism without fear. I modeled my work ethic and professionalism after my mom’s own sense of personal integrity.
In my almost-7-year-old girl, I see the most incredible example of carpe diem I’ve ever known. She embraces the here and now and forces you to be there with her. She inspires a sense of wonder in me and faith, not only in God, but that anything truly is possible.
As time has gone on, how has your relationship with your mother or daughter changed? (隨著年歲的增長,妳們母女關係有怎麼樣的變化?)
As a child, roaming the nearby streets of our home in Chungli, Taiwan with a guitar and a panache for trouble, I was always getting disciplined by my mom. My rear end has seen many a wire hangers in its time. And, believe me, I deserved it. Rambunctious doesn’t even cover it. However, through it all, we’ve always been very playful with each other. To this day, the way we show love is often through playful banter. My mom started out as the disciplinarian, but is now my best friend.
My daughter began seeking autonomy almost immediately after I delivered her. She is a free spirit and a spitfire. My once care-taker role when she was a baby has now been replaced with that of a friendly adviser. I try to give her advice and guidance for these delicate growing years as best as I can.
What is one thing that you would like your mother or daughter to know? (有那件事是妳希望讓妳的母親/女兒知道的?)
I want my mom to know that I love her more than she’ll ever know. Through all the vicissitudes of life, I will always be here for her, just like she was for me.
For my daughter, Ashley, I hope she knows that I see how special she is — every little nuance in her smile, every little detail in her personality. She is a gem and I vow not to take her for granted.
Is there anything else you would like to share? (還有甚麼其他妳想和大家分享的關於妳母親/女兒的事?)
I am so proud to be a Taiwanese mother; to carry on the strong traditions passed down to me from my Ahtsoh to my Ahmah to my mom and to me. I will someday pass the baton to my daughter, and she, too, will be a proud Taiwanese mom.
Thanks so much for this opportunity to share about my family, my heart.

What a beautiful post, Nina! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you! It was my pleasure to share about my mom who has helped to shape who I am today and who I’m sure my daughter will be tomorrow.