We have a wonderful relationship and can talk about anything. I love my mom!

Tell us about one of your earliest memories of your mother. (妳對母親最早的記憶是甚麼?)
One of my earliest memories of my mom was when I was about five years old. My mom never had the opportunity to have music or dance lessons while growing up. So she enrolled me in a ballet class the year I turned five. I remember a dance studio full of little girls. The teacher was asking all of us to stand at the bar. I cried and refused to go up there unless my mom went with me. She did. Then we left and she got me an ice cream cone. We never went back to class again!
As time has gone on, how has your relationship with your mother changed? (隨著年歲的增長,妳們母女關係有怎麼樣的變化?)
When I was a kid, my mom knew everything. She was my source of wisdom and knowledge. As I reached my teens, I felt that my mom didn’t actually know as much as I did. I grew up in the US and had lots of interaction with American society. I thought she was too closed-minded. As soon as I went to college, I realized how wrong I was about my mom. Now that I am a mom myself, my mom is once again my source of wisdom and knowledge. We have a wonderful relationship and can talk about anything. I love my mom!
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