Alice and May

Mommie, you are my best friend forever and ever!

What did you learn from your mother about being Taiwanese? (妳從妳母親那兒學到甚麼是一個台灣人?)

My mother has always taught me to be proud of being Taiwanese. From bringing me back to Taiwan every year to teaching me Taiwanese, she constantly reminds me of our family’s roots and culture. I grew passionate about the country’s history and politics under her influence, and love Taiwan because she showed me its many faces of beauty. Although I grew up in the U.S., my mother created a little Taiwan-like haven in our home, never letting me forget where we came from.

Tell us about one of your earliest memories of your mother. (妳對母親最早的記憶是甚麼?)

I hated going to pre-school. I didn’t want to go to bed while everyone else was still watching TV, and could never wake up on-time in the morning. My mother, however, insisted that at age 4, I needed to go learn and play with the other children. Every morning, she had to “把我挖起來,” give me a piggy-back ride down 4 flights of stairs, feed me breakfast, and drive me to school at the speed limit — all while I was still half asleep.

Tell us about how your mother inspires you. (妳的母親/女兒如何激勵妳?)

Although she looks 10 years younger than her peers, my mother has accomplished 6 times over what many strive to do in a life-time. Between migrating from Taiwan to the U.S., she been a successful pharmacist, optometrist, teacher, and now a business woman — all while fulfilling her responsibilities as the perfect mother (to me) and daughter (to my grandparents). I am always amazed at how well my mother juggled all these different roles, and hope that one day, I can become half as talented as her.

What is one thing that you would like your mother to know? (有那件事是妳希望讓妳的母親/女兒知道的?)

Mommie, you are my best friend forever and ever! I love you and can’t wait till I finish medical school and residency, and can go home and be your 調皮的小妹妹 again! I am excited to live happily ever after with you — thanks for everything you have done for me, and I can only hope to take care of you in return. *hug*

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