Terina and Gloria

With time, my relationship with my mother has grown stronger and stronger. Just like wine, with age brings more ripeness but in our case: happiness.

What did you learn from your mother about being Taiwanese? (妳從妳母親那兒學到甚麼是一個台灣人?)

I learned that we must be proud of our heritage no matter what.

Tell us about one of your earliest memories of your mother. (妳對母親最早的記憶是甚麼?)

I remember my mother would always let me into her bed at night regardless of the fact that she had warned me not to watch horror films.

What is the most important thing you have learned from your mother? (妳從母親/女兒學到的最重要的是甚麼?)

I have learned that no matter what, my mother will always be there for me.

Tell us about the ways that your mother makes you proud. (妳母親/女兒讓你感到驕傲的是甚麼?)

My mother makes me proud because even though she is a working parent, she tries her best to take the time to spend quality time with me. On even the most stressful days, she will come home from work to stay with me.

Tell us about how your mother inspires you. (妳的母親/女兒如何激勵妳?)

My mother inspires me to work hard for what I want and to always put my best foot forward.

As time has gone on, how has your relationship with your mother changed? (隨著年歲的增長,妳們母女關係有怎麼樣的變化?)

With time, my relationship with my mother has grown stronger and stronger. Just like wine, with age brings more ripeness but in our case: happiness.

What is one thing that you would like your mother to know? (有那件事是妳希望讓妳的母親/女兒知道的?)

I would like my mother to know that I am so grateful and forever in debt to her for all the things she has done for me.

2 Responses to “Terina and Gloria”

  1. Gloria Liao

    Yes, I will always be here for you……………………..

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