Kristina and Jane

I may not always express it in the clearest fashion, but I love you, Mom! I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.

Tell us about one of your earliest memories of your mother. (妳對母親最早的記憶是甚麼?)

Of all the early memories I have of my mom, I distinctly remember the first time I was scared that my mom would leave my presence – it was the day she dropped me off at Challenger preschool. It wasn’t exactly a dark and stormy morning, but there were definitely clouds looming over my head as my mom led me into the classroom.

I remember holding onto her hand very tightly, dragging her with me from station to station of toys and games. I remember forcing her to sit down next to me as I nibbled on ice cream. I remember asking her to hold my precious teddy bear while I went to the restroom, then decided that she should come in to the stall with me in case she had the wise idea of running away at that very moment.

I also remember the teacher asking us to go to our cubbies and grab our sleeping gear for nap time. But just as I got up from my seat, I recall my teacher coming up behind me, detaching me from my mom’s hold, and leading me to find my stuff. Shocked as I was, it took me a while to notice that my mom was already gone. I began to cry – wail, to be exact.

After thirty minutes of suffering my torturous cries, the teacher finally called my mom, only because I started to have a pretty bad bloody nose. But all was well again when my mom came to the rescue! I remember giving her a humungous hug, I remember the happiness and comfort I felt when I saw her again, and I remember that I immediately stopped crying, to my teacher’s immense relief, as we walked out the door, hand in hand. That day also happened to be my last day of preschool.

Tell us about how your mother inspires you. (妳的母親如何激勵妳?)

It took me 19 years to realize this, but as I transition into adulthood, I’m really starting to see all the sacrifices my mom made for our family. We’ve fought a lot in the past, and I thought of my mom as being a typical “naggy” Taiwanese mom, but now I understand that her intentions and commands are always for my own good! She inspires me through her sacrificing her own time to nurture my siblings and me, taking us to/from music lessons, school, Chinese school, doctor visits, after school events, etc. and putting aside her work (even giving up her job to stay at home with us at one point). She inspires me through her attention to detail and memory of the things my siblings and I do or tell her. She inspires me through her steadfast motivation and hard work in learning new things and pursuing knowledge every day. We don’t always have the best of days, but I truly admire how my mom looks up and strives to be a better and greater person each and every day.

What is the most important thing you have learned from your mother? (妳從母親學到的最重要的是甚麼?)

From my mom, I learned the importance of parental guidance and of being a role model to your children, as they really do look up to you. The phrase “like mother, like daughter” is very true in my family. From the way I speak and act to the way I think and study, I’ve inherited and modeled many of my traits after my mom. Through her, I have learned to study smart and efficiently, to be creative while doing trivial tasks to make them more enjoyable, to learn and discover new things on my own, to have a love for planning events, trips, and surprises, and to be rather talkative at home!

As I grew up seeing my mom more than I see my dad, it was natural for me to follow her example in many, if not all, aspects of my life. When I become a mom one day, I will remember to be the person I want my children to be – to be as loving, caring, and supportive as my mom has been to me.

What is one thing that you would like your mother to know? (有那件事是妳希望讓妳的母親知道的?)

I may not always express it in the clearest fashion, but I love you, Mom! Thanks for being so helpful, caring, and patient all these years. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.

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