[PHOTO] Taiwan: Immersive

By Benjamin Dunn PHOTO CAPTION My journey soon took me from Taipei in the north all the way down to Kenting in the south. After a one and half hour ride on the high speed rail into Zuoying, it was off to see the beauty of Kenting. One slightly bumpy two hour bus ride later, I found myself standing on the southern beaches of Taiwan, where the light ocean breeze carried the fresh scent of sea salt and sounds of crashing waves. I was stunned by how blue the ocean looked since I’ve grown up…

[PHOTO] Taiwan: Potato Twists

By Benjamin Dunn PHOTO CAPTION Ahhh yes, Shilin Night Market (士林夜市). Among my friends, it’s probably one of the most frequently recommended destinations for anyone visiting Taipei. And definitely for good reason too. Despite the crowded alleyways that seem like huge labyrinths for people like me unfamiliar with the area, it’s enjoyable to seemingly get lost among the hundreds of stores and vendors that line the market, selling everything from your favorite Taiwanese street food, to…

[PHOTO] Taiwan: Rush Hour

By Benjamin Dunn PHOTO CAPTION I remember during my childhood I used to have a deep fascination with trains and even had dreams of operating one someday. Whenever I saw a train while on the road, my parents would immediately pull over to the side just so I could watch it pass for a minute or two and hear the click-clack as the train rolled over the tracks. That love for trains has carried over to my journalist endeavors and now I write quite a bit about public transportation and urban development.…