Memories of my Yaba Great Aunt

by James Y. Shih When I was 3, my ahgong (grandpa) brought me to Taiwan from California to visit our old family home in the historic town of Lukang (鹿港). The home was and still is a narrow, two story, brick and wood building off the main road. There, my great aunt, whom I affectionately called “yaba,” lived with my ahma (grandma). At that age, I didn’t know calling her just yaba (啞吧), which means “deaf mute”, was rude (it is). I thought it was her name. Those early memories…

Finding Meaning in Taiwanese America: An Open Letter

  Editor Note: Gloria Hu is a High School Program Director at TANG (Taiwanese American Next Generation). TANG is a four-day summer conference for Taiwanese Americans and their allies. In contemplating meaningful programming and our engagement with issues of identity formation and community-building, the author expresses the importance of Taiwanese heritage to her own convictions and hopes for the community. A Letter to My TANG High Schoolers To my beloved TANG campers, I am so lucky…

Grateful for Family & Friends #TaiwaneseThanksgiving

WE'RE GRATEFUL FOR YOU! And for what our Taiwanese American heritage and culture have given us... especially how it influences our American holiday traditions and food experiences. We asked for your photos showing how you celebrate #TaiwaneseThanksgiving, and we were impressed! Check out some of the submissions below. #TaiwaneseThanksgiving This American holiday is all about spending time with and appreciating family, and when you get together, you've got to take a photo... It's a given…

Commingle with Taiwan and US Professionals in SF

BGBridges (Build Great Bridges) and its first hub BGBAT (Build Great Bridges Around Taiwan), based in Taipei, Taiwan, would like to welcome you to our first Commingle in San Francisco, California! Join us on Thursday, August 10th, to look at how life, work, and the startup scene compare between San Francisco and Taiwan as a window to Greater Asia. We'll look at the various factors that top global talent consider when choosing where to live and work: career opportunities, living costs, children's…

Taiwanese American Author Marijane Launches Memoir in SoCal

Please join Taiwanese American author, Marijane, for an author event at Gatsby Books in Long Beach to celebrate the launch of her new book, Beyond Two Worlds! What if your life story wasn’t what you thought? Experience a true story about two worlds and a woman’s search for truth, forgiveness, and love. About the Book: Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Marijane was adopted by an American military family at four months old. She grew up in a middle class neighborhood where hers was the only Asian…

Meet the New TAP Executive Board in SF

  Hello 朋友們 (Friends)! With the new Taiwanese American Professionals - San Francisco (TAP-SF) exec board coming up we thought it’d be a great opportunity to introduce ourselves and give a fresh look at what's in store for TAP-SF! Come meet the new Exec board and TAP family with a Two Part Series: A Day and A Night with TAP.   President - Vivian Liu External Vice President - Benjamin Shyong Internal Vice President - Alex Wu Who -- Everyone interested in meeting new…

HuanDao Documentary Online Release

HuanDao Documentary follows the story of two young women embarking on a two-week bicycle trip (known as huandao) through the country of Taiwan. One is Taiwanese American, and her return to the island explores her relationship with her family, her bicultural identity, and her greater understanding of self, home, and belonging. They travel through the beautiful island, experiencing its food and culture, befriending strangers along the way that challenge the question-- what does it mean to be Taiwanese…

TAF New Years Party 2017 in IL

It's the most wonderful time of the year... Taiwanese American Foundation (TAF) New Years! Come celebrate the holidays with your TAF friends and family at Enchanted Castle (Lombard, IL) on Friday, Dec. 30th, starting at 6pm! We'll have tons of food, games, and go-karts... All we're missing is YOU. You will need to buy a ticket from Eventbrite to participate! Tickets can be purchased here: And don't forget your waiver (more…

“Incensed” Book Talk with Author Ed Lin in NorCal

In Taiwan, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for prioritizing family. When 25-year-old Jing-nan’s gangster uncle, Big Eye, asks a favor, Jing-nan can’t exactly say no, especially because two goons are going to follow him around to make sure he gets it done right. The favor is this: Big Eye’s 16-year-old daughter, Mei-ling, has a biker boyfriend from the wrong side of the tracks—in Big Eye’s gangster opinion—and Big Eye wants Jing-nan to bring her to Taipei, away from the bad influences,…