Atlanta TASA Night Market – 4/9

Georgia Tech and Emory TASA are hosting their annual Night Market on April 9, 2010 starting at 7pm!

Don’t you miss going out to eat or shop at 10pm at night? Come out to Night Market where we will bring back those memories TASA style! This year many different organization are recreating that experience at Georgia Tech! Each organization will have with their own specialty foods and activities for you to try out. Please come and support these organizations and enjoy all the different cultures for a night!

Tickets/vouchers can be bought at the door and can be exchanged for food or prizes at each station! There will be games that you can try out for free!  Only cash will be accepted.

Have fun with your friends and enjoy a night out at TASA’s Night Market! We look forward to seeing you all there!

Participating organizations include:
• GT Taiwanese American Student Association (GT TASA)
• Emory Taiwanese American Student Association (Emory TASA)
• GT Filipino Student Association (GT FSA)
• GT Hong Kong Student Associations (GT HKSA)
• Emory Hong Kong Student Associations (Emory HKSA)
• GT Xi Kappa (GT XK)
• GT Delta Phi Lamda (GT DPhiL)
• GT Indonesian Student Organization (GT ISO)
• GT Chinese Friendship Association (GT CFA , undergraduate & graduate)
• Emory Students in Alliance for Asian-American Concerns (Emory SAAAC)
• Emory Vietnamese Student Association (EmViet)
• Emory Japanese Student Association (Emory JSA)
• GT Japan Society (GT JS)
• Emory Chinese Student Association (ECSA)
• Emory Thai Connection (Emory TC)
• GT Chinese Student Association (GT CSA)
• GT Vietnamese Student Association (GT VSA)
• Emory Korean Undergraduate Student Association (Emory KUSA)
• ~ Lotus ~ GT Charity Association

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Atlanta

For up to date information visit the facebook event. Also, feel free to e-mail questions to

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